Дар кафедраи фаъолияти бонкии факултети молия-иқтисоди донишгоҳ маҳфили илмии «Иқтисоди сабз» дар мавзуи «Мушкилот ҳамчун асоси қабули қарорҳои идоравӣ» баргузор гардид.

Дар маҳфили мазкур Пайрав Раҳимов, декани факултети иқтисод, мудирон, омӯзгорон ва аъзоёни маҳфил иштирок намуданд.

Club “Green Economy” of Bakhtar State University named after Nasiri Khusrav

Today, in the department of banking activity of the Faculty of Finance and Economics, the scientific club “Green Economy” on the topic “The problem as the basis for making managerial decisions” was held.

The following participants took part in the scientific club “Green Economy” of the Department of Banking Activities:

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance c.e.s. Rahimov P., head of the department of banking activities c. e. s. Joyloev Zafar, head of the department of accounting c. e. s. Mirzozoda M, teachers and students of the faculty.

Teachers and students of the specialty “World Economy” spoke at the “Green Economy” club.

The Green Economy event was held at a very good level.

The students expressed gratitude to the rector of the university dear S. Davlatzoda for the support and organization of the Green Economy scientific club.

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